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      Ultreya Meeting Details
mid-week commence @ 7.30pm

   Tuesday February 18th
St Peter and St John's,
CV21 3QP  

Weekend #53 Clausura
 @ House of Bread

     Monday May 5th 2025 @ 3pm
     best to arrive by 2.45





What is Ultreya?
      "Ultreya" is a Spanish word, derived from the original Latin, meaning Onward! It was in  
      common use by pilgrims to greet and to encourage one another along the way. This word is
      now used by the Cursillo community to signify the meeting which is held after a Cursillo 
      weekend. This meeting may be between Cursillistas from one or several Diocese.

      The Ultreya gathers together groups from a particular Diocese, or wider areas, and provides
      continuity by contributing to the maintenance of the Cursillo spirit and by revealing the reality
      of the living Church.

      In a climate of friendship, members share their life experiences based on the three tenets of
      Cursillo life: i.e.: Prayer, Study and Action, or based on a passage from Scripture. This
      sharing can be contemplative in nature or may deal with an evangelising experience. This
      sharing from real-life experiences serves as examples to all of us of the challenge which
      Jesus lays before His followers: "Go and do likewise".

      Ultreya starts at 7.30pm, and finishes at about 9.30pm (except where otherwise indicated)
      followed by tea and coffee for any one who would like to stay. Ultreya dates and places are
      subject to alteration. Please check before you travel. Maps show approximate location only.